Sunday, December 30, 2007


So hows it been then? On the face of it it's been pretty damn good, but then again it doesn't take much to spoil things.

At least the people I consider worthy to breathe the air on this planet are more or less still here and to my knowledge, fairly happy..... I know that sounds a little downbeat but you didn't come here thinking I was gonna be all "Commercial Radio DJ" did you?

So here's a rundown of my personal hits and the shits of 2007

I became a "home owner" - Hit
I lost my AddieCat - Shit
Hip infection and the biggest needle jammed into my groin to remove "fluid" - Shit
A weekend in a private hospital - Hit
My name on a Wonder Stuff CD - Hit
Teaching my little fruitloop how to ride a bike - Massive Hit!
Arson attack on the flats where I live - Shit
My first bike tour on the European continent (and driving on the wrong side of the road) - Hit
A new car - Hit
A final date for my hip resurfacing - Hit
Canceling my Op 2 days before its due - Shit
Being mentioned in a Miles Hunt song intro - Hit

So, what will 2008 bring? well, there's a new hip to think about, but I'm not holding my breath. Work stuff comes to a head in January as the ongoing Remedy project goes live in the first few weeks of 2008, but without its champion at the helm it's doomed to early retirement as the Luddites who rule the asylum shout it down...... nothing changed there then.

As this is a blog, I'd like to thank all those visitors who regularly come back for more of my gobshite. There'll be even more during 2008 so keep coming back.

Love, light, and happiness for 2008 and beyond.


petercmoore said...

More hits than misses mate, but I know how much those misses can sting!

Don't stop moaning. The only time me and thee will stop banging on is when we've karked it...

chux said...

I'm in such a bad mood atm mate that you couldn't even come close. Nothing special just life !! Might have tp up the pills! Got to think of the positives I know, but they are clouded at this time. Probably more sleep would help!

When I reflect on your year I think you've had a cracker mate! Ok not everything has gone so well, but I agree with pt, the hits are definately in your favor. You have moved on considerably in life, more than any year I can think of in the last 5 at least.

Call me mental mate, but doesn't Remedy have a 'live' date every 2 weeks or something? Not wanting to be cynical, but every time i've been back to the office there's Remedy 'live' speak going on?! Whats all that about?

Delmonti said...

Chux: positives are very hard to come by with the responcibilities you've got at the moment. Still, I bet you wouldnt want to change places with me would ya?

Remedy: no one is interested. All the remedy "pushers" have moved onto something else leaving a steaming pile of shite for all the regulars to clean up. or in this case, a scapegoat

which is the usual I guess.

Anonymous said...

More hits than misses, however, its common knowledge that one "Oh Shit" wipes out ten "atta boys". Who is this negative woman???? Happy New Year Dave!