Its not every day someone bangs on ya front door and suggests you gather up what family you have and run like buggery as the block of flats you're in is being devoured by flames.......
But that's what happened last night..... And its surprising what you learn from your neighbours while watching the fire brigade breathing apparatus at the ready storm into the building.
I should point out that no one has been hurt and were all back in our flats (this statement could change as the days progress, mainly because I'm not very good when it comes to being a nosey git)
First off, a big big thanks to the fella living directly above me, he was the one who initially raised the alarm, attempted to put out the fire and made sure everyone was out. Bit of a hero really, although I did hear the Fire Commander (oh hell yes, not Fire Chief any more, COMMANDER) telling him off for having a go at the fire himself..... and yes, you've guessed it, the Fire COMMANDER was the one who stayed outside, well away from any naked flames while this was going on.... a case of Pot, Kettle, un-accompanied chip pan and black methinks.
The flat where the fire started (up stairs and about 3 doors along from me) has a bit of a history. Apparently during the summer it was being used by a couple of thieving gypos/pykies who were causing all kinds of problems for just about all the people upstairs.... all of this was unknown to me until last night BTW and is more or less just hearsay, but I'll share anyhow.There had been various incidents and they we're eventually removed about 3 weeks go and the flat has been empty (empty of scum anyhow) since
The fella upstairs (I don't do names, there's too many of them and unless I've shagged them, borrowed money from them or are just around for so long it becomes embarrassing not to remember their names then I just cant be arsed) heard a noise, a beeping and went to investigate, this was about 18:15, he could smell smoke then noticed plumes of the stuff coming from the wide open door of flat 9. He stuck his head around the corner and in his words "looked like something I could have a go at" and went to get a fire extinguisher!
Unfortunately, when he returned (seconds in his account) the flat was well alight with thick noxious black smoke quickly filling the hall way. That's when he went into action and got everyone out.Its odd what people do when confronted with something like this, my first thought was to put my coat on cos no matter how hot the fire was it would be freezing standing outside in my civvies.
As soon as I was outside the fire brigade were pulling up and before long we had 3 engines on site with an ambulance and cop cars. Fella from upstairs was treated for smoke inhalation, which was kinda ironic as he was sucking on a ciggy just a few moments before (he was OK BTW). And I watched as a reluctant Fireman had to "Firemans Lift" some woman from upstairs who had decided she would "wait it out"..... until several fireman threatened to Pole Axe her front door and drag her out .
After about 90 mins we were all allowed back in, there's no water or smoke damage to my flat but there's a nasty smell in the hallway (nothing to do with me this time). I've not spoken to any of the neighbours as yet, but it looks like there's a ton of smoke damage upstairs
Oh, and the consensus is that the gypos/pykies came back and torched the flat. Lovely. Anyone wanna buy a flat in an "exciting" part of town?

Mickey Love: wants to be a fireman and is in love with Pauleeeeeen