Monday, October 09, 2006

Interlope..... not antelope

Thank feck its a Miles Hunt Solo gig night.

I've reached my limit of having to put up with "people" and need to have my internals straightened. Only two things can do this for me, a Miles Hunt solo gig or "heroic" amounts of Lithium intended for the dangerously bewildered.

Luckily for the dangerously bewildered, the Half Moon in Putney have Milo on stage at 8pm tonight.

Unfortunately I have to stay sober as I'll be driving, not something I like to do at a Miles Putney gig but I've no choice as everyone I hold dear* has decided a Monday night infront of the telly is more appealing..... I cant begin to tell you the bile I'm spewing forth over this right now..... your ears (if you actually had ears) should be glowing white hot right now.

I'd normally plaster this page with references to websites, ticket outlets, venues, promotions...... but why bother? you lot wouldnt look if your entire future happiness depended on it....

*I dont hold anyone of drinking age dear..... except when I need a lift to the Half Moon in Putney to see a Miles Hunt solo gig.. My shallowness is exceeded only by my utter contempt for public transport.

1 comment:

petercmoore said...

Actually, my man, I'd definitely be up for going to the Half-Moon to see Milo. Unfortunately I've got a dress-rehearsal for one of our drama festival plays this evening. Damn!

Looks like yer on yer own!