Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sometimes, there's nowt like a milky coffee.

It was Thursday night last night. Thursday evenings tend to be expensive, loud, rowdy and soaked in alcohol. Which is a very good thing

The usual crowd were at the BV. Insults and compliments filled the close evening air and everyone had a good time.

The Tit-Witch* was also there.. but for some reason didn't sneer at me, which is unusual, maybe she has other more important things to worry about?

* The Tit-Witch: An obnoxious booze soaked hollow-headed bint in her early 40's. She's a pig-in-a-wig who uses her personality as a contraceptive. Her only asset is her grossly inflated shirt-potatoes which she shows off by wearing a "Bingo Dress" (eyes down, look in for a full house). I'd love to show a photograph but as she has no reflection this isn't possible.

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