Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Don't bother with hamsters, they're bloody stupid.

Four days into ownership and I've had enough. For the first 2 days the little twat was pissing in the enclosed exercise wheel then running as fast as she could. The result was a piss stained hamster covered in bits of food & sawdust. It's like being in Hartlepool all over again.

I had to remove the wheel.

Now, she's gone one better. She has moved her "nest" (a purpose designed area full of nice warm clean bedding) to the feeding dome. The dome has a food tray and water bottle... or at least it did when I went to bed last night. This morning the dome was full to the brim with bedding, the access tube was blocked with sawdust and the silly little bastard was drenched with water from the bottle (the bedding had sucked all the water from the water pipe which in turn soaked the stupid little get).

Oh and she's filled one of the food trays with shite.

Thoughts turn to despicable acts of immense cruelty...... it's tempting at the moment, but I'll hold off for now.

Sorry no piccys of the hamster, it gets on my tits too much

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