Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Pass me a wet-wipe, I've messed myself!

I've never been a fan of mass market consumerism and our over packaged cellophane wrapped disposable culture. We've missed a trick with community shopping and farmers markets that made our green and pleasant land what it once was.......

well, fat hairy knackers to that cos..


I saw them in Tesco's, I cant believe it! I just stopped dead in my tracks, the colour drained from my face and I had to steady myself between the tri-packaged peppers and organic Sharon fruit......... and I'm not ashamed to say I let out a little wee in the excitement.

But none of that matters anymore, because I've got....



meljoy said...

OH MY GOD!! YOU have TOMATOES in ENGLAND!?! Now there's a surprise...

Delmonti said...

yes, but no, but yes...... It's the yellow ones. I've never seen yellow toms since I was a kid. I thought I'd imagined it all....

Anonymous said...

years ago we used to rehears in my dads green house it was a fair size, Dave used to help himself, he's always been a big tomatoe fan.
Yellow ones are ace right Dave ? Goober.

meljoy said...

haha, okay, I shall send you some, we have lotsa yellow tomatos here, those are usually the ones that aren't ripe, or have already gone bad, hehe.

Oh yea, email me, I hafta ask you a question...

gaZpar said...

Maybe one day you'll find genetically modified blue tomatoes or something like that. Or tomatoes that glow in the dark. That would be fun!!! :D cheers