Thursday, October 13, 2005

Angelina escapes for the last time.....

Last Sunday morning, in the early hours the hamster escaped for the last time. Why the last time you ask? well, she's packed her bags and vanished. Nothing has been heard from her, search parties have been despatched, helicopters scrambled and blood hounds released.

All to no avail.... vanished.

Logically, there are only a few possibilities as to where she has gone.... She's has either found a way out of the flat (possibly through the floor to the flat downstairs or an open door) or she is slowly decomposing behind some inaccessible kitchen unit.

My money is on the later, although there's no tell-tail smell as yet.... maybe she's being mummified, who knows.

Anyhow, as a loving, caring father of a wonderful five your old I did the decent thing and lied through my teeth and said Angelina preferred the outdoors and is now living in a council approved commune somewhere in Hartlepool where sawdust is free and safe bedding rains down every evening.

So, we now have another Hamster. This one is white, called "Snowy" and is fitted with a ball & chain.

1 comment:

petercmoore said...

Tell her the truth man! She has to learn some time!

Other lies to tell your child: