Friday, September 09, 2005

Could I have a word?

Originally uploaded by neekol.

Man alive... Sometimes I sit and wonder what the hell is going on in some peoples heads.... This is usually a good thing, cos it gives me something to blog about, to rant and rave about.... and occasionally murder.

But its a different case when the person you want to verbally abuse actually reads this blog. Usually, this would not bother me and I'd let rip anyhow... but this time there would be consequences that would cause me more hassle than its worth. So, the next section is only applicable to the arse who will remain nameless

All I can say is that you are a complete fuckwit. No "if's" or "buts". You were put on this Earth as an example to us all not to be an arse like yourself. The quicker you bugger off completely the better.

I guess if I were a real caring "friend" I would pull you to one side and explain where you are going wrong, but feck that, I'm gonna sit back and watch your whole world collapse around your cloth ears... And to be perfectly honest, you bloody well deserve it......

Next time you make a decision which involves any kind of human involvement, try looking up the word empathy first....... you ignorant, selfish mong.


petercmoore said...

Ooh, shite. I've been wracking my brains. I hope it wasn't me!

Delmonti said... Pete, you're safe.

Anonymous said...

If you wanted a lift up the road to yer flat (taking into account your hip py pics) why didnt ya say? Or is it yer jealous of me £10 watch ;o)

Wyrfu said...

.oO(Has to be about a politician. No prizes for guessing who...)