And while I’m on the subject of human mutilation why are we still letting people get away with slicing into a boy child’s banjo in the name of religion?
What the hell is wrong with these people? As if having a child isn’t fraught with enough worries some people take it upon themselves to have some witch doctor butcher a perfectly healthy male child. They even have a party to mark the fact!
I am of course talking about Circumcision or as I like to call it Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH).
I will accept that there are legitimate reasons for being circumcised….. Phimosis for one (the roll neck of ya jumper is too tight and you cant get it over ya head), and possibly freak accidents involving domestic pets... but that’s about it really.
Of course there are some people who say it’s a covenant with the Lord, showing that you are one of his people……. You’re having a laugh arnt you? Who voted for that one when it appeared on the agenda? Can you imagine the scene?
“OK people, to show some commitment to our Lord I think we should take a rusty knife to the old fella….. can I have a show of hands?”
“Naff off ya weirdo! Whats wrong with a tattoo, or a hairstyle?... a funny handshake even!”
Or perhaps this one…
“Well, it’s a religious thing and we’ve been doing it for centuries…” Oh, ok then, can I start burning witches at the stake again? That was a religious thing and we did it for centuries too.
….and lets not forget this old chestnut
“Men who have been circumcised are cleaner…” Eh? Whatcha mean cleaner? It’s not like I’m stirring my coffee with it! Anyway, whats wrong with washing down there every now & again? I personally use the wife’s toothbrush, it’s quick, painless and very very amusing afterwards.
Parents! What a re you thinking of? Let him choose later in life if he wants part of his cock cut off just to placate your imaginary super-being friend. Besides, letting some bloke fiddle with ya kids tackle surmounts to child abuse in my books.
If you were wondering what the "impliment" is in the graphic, it's a Winkleman Circumcision Device... Nice eh?