
Ok, I'm 40 and feel that an interest in video games maybe something I should keep quiet. It feels like I should be more concerned with appropriate activities a 40 year old would be into... maybe Fly Fishing, smoking a pipe or even violently slapping the wife.
But I never really got over the excitement of playing Combat on the original Atari VCS or the absolute thrill of Williams Defender in the arcades.
As I don't put up with the constant tedium of enforced companionship and its myriad of costly and frequent demands on interior decorating, expensive foreign holidays and soft furnishings I can spend a little of my own money on things I want.......
Just as well I'm an ugly fat bastard then, how obnoxiously annoying would it be if I were also devilishly hansom? Swings and roundabouts.
All this just to tell you Nintendo's long awaited Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii is magnificent. It really is a killer app. No wonder the Wii is still in short supply nearly a year after its launch.
Talking of Fly Fishing and pipe smoking, both of which I'd very much like to try (slapping the wife was never my thing, but what the hell, if she needs a slap gimme a ring), I've also got a want for a monicle. Sir Patrick Moore is officially now the ONLY living man to wear a monicle. If we're not careful, we could loose this ancient and slightly eccentric visual enhancement apparatus forever.