Sunday, February 04, 2007

Windows Vista..... or Dave's new girlfriend?

Hi, my name is David and I'm an IT consumer cow


I know anything that is advertised in the media is a lie.
Microsoft products never live up to their hyped expectations
Microsoft products are grossly overpriced

So, why the hell did I buy Microsoft's new Vista PC Operating System?

Well, I didn't intend to purchase it, as most IT people know you never ever buy any software on its first release, it simply wont work. It'll be bug ridden, at best it'll just crash regularly, at worst it'll destroy any important data and attempt to reduce your hardware to a silicon paste. And you NEVER EVER buy an OS on first release..... The OS is the heart of your computing experience, it has a hand in every single thing that happens on that machine.

Anyhow, I was perusing the isles of PC WORLD, not looking for anything in particular, occasionally giggling at the enormous long queue of irate customers at the "Customer Service" desk waiting for the spotty herbert to tell them that everything the sales person said before the purchase was a lie and the only way of getting your money back would be to take them to court...... and if they don't leave in the next 60 seconds they will be forcibly ejected by the knuckle dragging shaved ape with the word "Security" sellotaped to his chest.

But that's not the point, this is...... PC World managed to mis-lable and price an entire shelf of Vista Home Premium (Full version, not Upgrade) DVD's.

Being a professional within the IT industry and working for a top blue chip IT company I did the right thing...... walked over to the queue of irate people at the customer service desk, told them PC World had dropped a bollock and had mis-priced Vista by £70 and by law MUST sell it to you at the stickered price....... Feeling very please with my self I returned to the checkout with my £70 lighter copy of Vista and bought it.

The manager wasn't happy, but after I'd explained to him that employing "the dangerously bewildered" on minimum wage to sticker goods worth hundreds of pounds was no fault but his own, and that Trading Standards could shut his shop at the drop of a hat if he refused my purchase, this had him smiling sweetly and wishing me a "good day" through gritted teeth.

No doubt the knuckle dragging shaved ape on the door has been trained to recognise me should I ever return and to remove my testicles with impunity.

Oh, and I guess you wanna know how I got on with Vista? Well, lets just say I'm back using XP as I feel being able to use my DVD drive and not having the browser crash every few moments is a bonus. On a technical note, if you have a system with Dynamic Disks then back them up first as Vista will tell you they are knackered and suggest you format...... not good.

It's a bit like previous girlfriends I've had, quite tasty on the outside but filled with disease and a passion to stop you doing anything you like.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a logical *miserly* explanation for purchasing Vista. I'm not even close to being an IT person, and I know never, ever to buy the first release, ever. Why do they do that? Send out stuff full of bugs and problems?

Anonymous said...

Don't even START me on Vista. MS sent me the upgrade Business disk a couple of weeks before it hit the shops as my company subscribe to the Action Pack. Now... my system isn't a bad one - AMD 4600 X2 Dual Core, 2gb RAM, 2 x 200gb S-ATA hard disks, 256mb PCIe 16x nVidia graphics, 18x Lightscribe DVDRW drive.

The upgrade rendered my system unusable as it failed to even bott into the setup process properly and now will not boot properly at all as the disk thinks it has a partial Vista installation on yet Vista thinks it's been nowhere near my system so cannot uninstall.

I ended up installing a new HDD to installing from there. Went on ok. 1st impressions aren't good. Too labourious to find the stuff you need and even Administrative level brings up annoying prompts.

The laugh was that in the system rating, my whizzy system (bearing in mind you aren't going to get MUCH higher spec than this at the moment) only rated 3.3 (presumably out of 6 as some items were rated at 5.1).

Back to XP (when I'm able to boot into it) and NOT looking forward to having to sell or support it. :-(

Anonymous said...

Kat: I think they do it cos they can!

Goober: New phone.... I've got a Sony Ericsson K800i with 512meg memory card for sale (boxed and in good condition) £100 and its yours. It does MP3's and has a 3mp camera, battery is good too, as long as you dont talk, take pictures or listen to MP3's or the Radio ;-)

Room 512: There are some nice stuff on Vista, but I got pissed off with my DVD drive disappearing all the time and especially my 500gig video HD not working in Dynamic Disk mode. Anyhow, I got it cheap so I'll keep the install disk and stay with XP

Anonymous said...

Vista!. Thats boil in the bag Curry innit?

Anonymous said...

Can't trust these pcworld monkeys - you'll probably find its microsofts secret tactic to get takeup to the volumes they need to say its a success :)

Found your site a couple of days ago. Sorry to hear about the knee and everything else. I'm on Linked in if you want to drop me a line. name at pdkc co uk