Suspended by Stars

.... found printed on the arse end of life.
Do you remember my PLAN on walking up a hill in the Lake District?
Well, I've had to change the hotel as the original one is fully booked..... but at least I'm booked in! (to the new hotel)
The new gaff can be found here. It's called the Red Lion and is situated right in the middle of Grasmere.
Just to remind people, I'm doing this walk to celebrate my new hip...... and to help me focus on getting it "bedded in"
If anyone is still up for this walk to the top of Helm Crag in The Lake District, Grasmere
OK, lets get this out the way....
For some strange reason there's a new digital TV channel calling itself Dave. For the most part, that's what people call me (to my face)... it is my name after all.
OK, this shows the brief "meeting" between the guards (who had lost control at this point) and the prisoners to decide if we should end it all and go home or continue being on the telly..... all hidden to make it look like we were continuing the "social study".
The ring leaders "Edwards and Petkin" (prisoners) had been a pain in the arse, childish and arrogant. It was more of a playground than a social experiment
I should point out that there is a little bad language (maybe I should of explained that earlier, Opps, sorry).
My hip will be having one last shindig later this month and you're all invited.
Miles Hunt will be playing Guildford's Boiler Room on Thursday 25th October (7pm kickoff)
So, I'f you're up for it and would like to be entertained (either by Milo or by the pain I'm in) then simply get ya Tickets from these chancers..
PS: there's a pint for the first to complete the lyric in the title of this post. And another pint for the title of the song*
*you have to goto the gig to claim your free pint(s)
I dug out the DVD of me on the telly, and with nothing better to do decided to slice out a bit and put it here...
This was 6 years ago, I'm now much prettier to look at and have a bright green racing car.
and here's the title sequence from the show....
will then be "shaped" using this.....
and will eventually look something like this....
bugger..... it all looks rather.... painful.
I'm still waiting on the insurance company's approval....... (long pause)
I've spotted the name Ronnie Hazlehurst many many times on the credits of so many classic British TV shows, but never really gave him the credit for the amazing work he helped create. Sadly Ronnie passed away yesterday at the age of 79
So, rest in peace there fella, and thanks for those wonderful, wonderful tunes you pulled from the ether (he never mentioned anything about a number 9 bus from Stourbridge btw).
and boy, did he leave a legacy, his family should be very very proud
Here's just some of the theme tunes credited to Ronnie
Some Mothers Do Have 'Em (the piccolo spells out the title of the show in Morse
Last Of The Summer Wine
Yes Minister
No Place Like Home
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin