Friday, August 31, 2007

The Plan

It's not certain, but I'm fairly sure I'll be getting a new leg soon (when I say leg, I actually mean hip, but effectively, it's a new leg).
I've not seen the quacks yet, but I've had enough, Emily has had enough, work has had enough, and anyone who reads this has probably had enough....
The only person who hasn't had enough is my Rheumatologist who charges £200 a visit to do little more than grimace at me half undressed and who fails to inspire confidence by asking me "which hip is it again?"

I think it's time to book an appointment with Dr Mengele again.

The other reason for wanting the opp now is that I'm the size of a small bungalow (furnished with a large unkempt garden at the rear) with less mobility. You see, as my mobility decreases my lard content increases, and the easiest way I've found for loosing the lard is to walk... (the distance I can walk without inflickting damage is rapidly decreasing, anything over half a mile now has me in agony).

and so to the plan....

I want to climb (walk) up Helm Crag in the Lake District about this time next year.

You see, I figure that if I have my new leg fitted at the end of October this year, I'll probably be fit enough to walk up a steep hill by August/September 2008.

I've chosen Helm Crag mainly because of a certain Mr A Wainwright's Pictorial Guides to the Lake Land Fells. A 7 book series to the fells (hills and bigger hills but not quite mountains) within the Lake District (North West England).

Helm Crag is a little easier than some of the other monsters and has a fantastic view of the valley and Grasmere..... all I need is some basic walking gear and the best part of a day to do it.... and a hotel to stay for the weekend.

I'd like to do all this on a weekend, drive up there, book into a hotel, Saturday morning walk to the summit of Helm Crag and spend the rest of the evening in the hotel bar celebrating with my new hip.... then home at some point Sunday..... after the traditional Sunday Lunch of course.

I'm gonna book a room for myself at the Waterside Hotel in Grasmere for the weekend of 22/23 August 2008.... although they arnt taking bookings for August 2008 as yet.

I know its a long way off (time wise), but if anyone fancies tagging along they are more than welcome.


chux said...

thats a positive way of looking at it mate!!

i've been trying to do the same. I've written a list of things i'd like to do that I can't for whatever reason at the moment. Next year i'd like to play tennis again. I'd like to have a go on one of those Go Ape tree walking things.

I'd love to do the walk with you mate. I think it's unlikely because of family budgeting but i'll be with you in spirit.

nice post!

Anonymous said...

While you're in there can you get them to fit you a new catalytic converter for your arse?

I think the current one is blocked as it's not filtering out any noxious gases that I can see/smell any more... in fact thats it - I CANT see or smell any more because of your farts.

Once you've passed the emissions test I'll be there! :-)

petercmoore said...

Hmmm... You know what? It's my birthday that weekend. I think that a trip up to the Lakes sounds like a grand idea. Though you realise it'll be packed.

I'm going to see if MLYW wants to come along too...

Delmonti said...

Chux: well spotted. I dont usually do this kinda stuff, but I think its the only way for me to get over the fear of having my leg virtually severed using tools from heavy industry.

The lodger: Mate, when they open me up, there's gonna be an urgency to sew it back up again as quick as pos. Dont worry about emissions, that hill is in one of the windiest places on earth.

PT: Fantastic! would be great to have ya both on the hill with me. Yes, I know it'll be packed, thats why I attempted to book this week. Should be a hoot anyhow.

Chris said...

Brilliant plan and hope it all works out well for you.

Bet the part of the plan that related to were the bits about the bar and the Sunday dinner.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely doable. I have two friends that have had body parts replaced (one hip, one knee)and they're like totally new people now.