Thursday, September 14, 2006

Royston Vasey

I read a book!

Actually I read a lot of books.... well I try to read a lot of books, it just that most of the ones I get my hands on tend to be pointless drivel that have me wishing for temporary blindness (just about anything to do with Stephen King comes to mind)

Anyhow, I was in Tesco's a few weeks ago and came across Roy "Chubby" Brown's autobiography, it had a tenner knocked off so I thought I'd give it a go... especially as he's done a lot of his growing up in the North East.

Now, if you haven't heard of Chubby Brown its probably best that you just move on, he isn't for you, especially if you are southern or female or just so stuck up your own arse you'll complain at anything just so you can hear your own voice..... there are exceptions to this rule, but tend to be few and far between.

Chubbs is a comedian, a northern comedian. He specialises in "blue" comedy and lobs in the odd song along the way..... and this is the reason you probably haven't seen him, he does not do telly but does do a roaring trade in DVD's of his shows.

Anyhow, his book is a damn good read and tracks his life from childhood to the present day. It follows his home life and career and documents his battle with cancer.

So, I read the book in record time and decided to send Chubbs an e-mail telling him how much I enjoyed his book..... and now my e-mail is part of his marketing! How bloody great is that!

I'm off to see him live soon, should be a hoot


Chris said...

I've heard of Chubby Brown.
I've seen Chubby Brown.
I've laughed a lot at Chubby Brown.

I'm Southern.
I'm female.
I don't think I'm stuck up my own arse.

His book sounds good so I'll nip into a bookshop (I refuse to go into Tesco's) and give it a go.

Delmonti said...

that'll be the exception I mentioned.

petercmoore said...

Mel - over here, when you hear "Northern" you think "redneck"...

I'm pretty sure I won't be welcome round here again after that!