Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Being 6....

There's a ton of stuff that's great about being six.

Six has to be one of the best ages to be, if I could have it all again, I'd like it to start at six.

Love for a start is unconditional, no matter what size shape colour or creed your parents are, you just love them.

Emotions are something to be tried on like dressing up clothes whenever the fancy takes you..... especially in Tesco's

Flying around the dinner table pretending to be a Spitfire/Fire Engine/Ballerina is considered perfectly normal as is pushing your whole head into a bowl of custard.... both of which I have urges to do on a regular basis (not too keen on the ballerina one tho')

Falling asleep in mid conversation.... although I have to confess this is something I still do, especially when confronted on issues like football, fashion or Tivoli

Asking the meaning of swear words, its starts at 6 and continues throughout life.

Finding inventive new ways of not having to wash or clean your teeth

Best of all tho': all problems can be overcome by a hug from mam or dad

My little fruitloop has reminded me how fantastic life can be, if only we could stay 6 forever...


petercmoore said...

I think I must have been about 6 (maybe 7) when I came up with a brilliant wheeze for avoiding baths.

In order to avoid detection the whole scheme ran like this:
1. Run a bath.
2. Get undressed.
3. Lean over the bath and make occasional splashes and sundry bathing noises.
4. Wet hair with a handful of water.
5. Empty the bath and go downstairs wrapped in a towel.

Somehow my Mum saw through the entire elaborate charade. And it took longer than actually having a bath anyway.

I think it would have fooled the Germans if I'd been in a POW camp mind.

Chris said...

I have to agree with you about loving your parents when you are a child. I loved my mother very much right up to the time I started to grow up and realise just what a horrible, selfish woman she was. I hated being an adult and not being able to love my mother.

Pete, perhaps if you'd taken the trouble to turn your feet from black to flesh-coloured it might have worked

Delmonti said...

Goober: 16 was a nightmare for you! I was there remember!

PT: you little tyke!

Chris: you're so right...

Russ said...

May I, at this point, quote the Drive-By Truckers:

So if what you have is working for you, or you think that it can stand a reasonable chance,

And whatever's broken seems fixable and nothing's beyond repair,

If you still think about each other and smile before you remember how screwed up it's gotten, or maybe dream of a time less rotten,

Remember, it ain't too late to take a deep breath and throw yourself into it with everything you got,

It's great to be alive

I need to remind myself of the last part every now and then too x