If lots of people do it, it becomes ok... as long as its not you being hurt
I nearly lost me little girl this week and there’s no evidence that she’s gonna be around in the near future. Em’s mother has decided that she wants to move in with her new boyfriend. This would mean moving away from her established “support group”, Emily’s school (where she is doing great), her friends and grand parents including me. Individually, each one of these would be devastating to Em, but put them all together and you end up with a potential disaster. Of course, the new boyfriend refused to even consider moving away from his ex-wife and children (who live in the next street from him and have keys to each others houses) and extended family to be with Em's mom
Emily’s mother isn’t stupid, she insisted she knows my views on this knowing I’d probably fly into a rage at the thought of another man bringing up my daughter as his own while he pops round to the ex wife’s to do a little decorating (you know what I mean, “just popping round the X’s to fill a crack in the bedroom, wont be long”). Em’s mom uses this technique of getting me pissed off to convince herself I’m the baddie and what she decides to do is right…. So this time I didn’t play, I kept calm and just told her the facts…..
Fact 1: He won’t move in with Em’s mom because he doesn’t want to move away from his family. This can also be read thus: You’re not good enough to move away for.
Fact 2: Moving Emily away from her school will interfere with her Schooling and tear her away from friends
Fact 3: Emily’s grand parents will no longer see Emily, neither of them have access to a car, public transport is at least 2 hours away.
Fact 4: Em’s mom doesn’t drive. She will have to stay at home and look after his children/house
Fact 5: Em’s mom doesn’t know what split his marriage therefore has no idea of his track record.
Fact 6: Emily will become a second class citizen in his house… It’s NOT his child, his biological children WILL come first
Fact 7: She is moving away from her support network into an unknown environment
Fact 8: Emily WILL kick back