Thursday, March 27, 2008

....and only because its funny.

Just how many dimensions does this world have? I'm not on about the current theory of the Universe, string mechanics or 'brain dimensions. I'm talking about the state of peoples minds and how we change at different rates in relation to others..... and on occasions chemical imbalances either prescription induced or recreational.

Talking of mad bastards and chemically induced states I'd just like to confirm that at this moment in time I have nothing against Simon. (Simon is a mate from another time (space and interface) that has in the last few weeks become a figment of my reality). In fact, I think he's a bit of a lord. No really, as I sit here soaking up a cocktail of Tramadol and Citalopram with a hint of Miles Hunt's "Note to self" filling the air with it's own "string vibrations" I can only admire Simon's current position within society and contributions made.

So, Simon, stop being a bit of a cock, no-one is taking sides (ok, I might be, or could that be paranoia?).

Come on, get ya finger out (no pun intended) and have some Brother Lee Love. I understand you have difficulty playing the guitar nowadays, although I'd doubt I'd notice any difference, but don't let that encourage me. You could always join in on all the other fine things us middle aged fat and baldy bastards would like to get up to but cant anymore.
After all, some of us will be dead soon.

Love, Light and Happiness (found printed on the arse end of life..... of course)


Anonymous said...

You and your cowbell and me with my Bass Synth pedal ha ha ha, For once I'm interested in this reply, PS will have to change underware now cos these are wet from laughing Boo Up Goober.....

chux said...

Mate, you were defo on the pills for this post. Bit psychedelic !

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Qwerty
What the hell are you on?
You really need to get out more, even just to the local Spar for a quick chat with the west indian owner(or his brother/cousin).

Sometimes life throws you a curved ball, just need to get on with it as best you can. Get hold of Barry, you could be the next 'Keane'!
On a lighter note, are you going to see milo in Cambridge this month? You could buy me a pint.....:)

Delmonti said...

Anon (Simon perhaps?):

Well, errrm, thanks for clearing that up for me. Very concise and structured.

Cambridge.... would love to but I have to attend a meeting with my new friends at the local West Indian debating society.

PS: I've dropped the DR suffix, lawsuits and the like, you know how it is.

Anonymous said...

It was paying out for that pint wot put you off wasn't it....
