I'm mmmeeeelllltinggggggg...
Yes, it's official..... Just like the Wicked Witch of the West I too am melting.
It was confirmed by my recent visit to the rheumatologist who agreed that "whatever" caused my hip to dissolve is now chewing its way through my left knee, hence the pain keeping me awake during the night.
He did give me the medical name for it, I cant remember it of course..... in layman's terms its some lining in or around the knee joint that's inflamed (they don't know why its inflamed) which causes the intense pain.....
I have my own theory..... As I'm not involved in a relationship my body is missing the intense emotional pain caused by the constant tedium of enforced companionship and so has turned against my left hip and knee and is slowly dissolving them from the inside out.
So, as the rheumatologist has more or less washed his hands of me I'll be back to see the knife-man. No doubt he'll complain about my collection of fat but at least its a painful limp in the right direction.
So, to lighten the mood can you think of ANY other characters from TV/Movies or books that have melted?
Here's some to get you started....
Wicked Witch of the West (The Wizard Of Oz)