Sunday, March 26, 2006

Inertia, I'd call my child all the same

Well bugger me, that was an experience. Sorry to lots of people who thought I'd be updating the Lobster while "on tour" but it was just non stop and I was having far too much fun to bother about all this shite.

I simply cant thank everyone involved in "suspending these stars" enough. I had a ball, I really did. I know its taken about 2 weeks for me to write this, it's just the whole thing was one MASSIVE head feck for me. I've needed a little time, space and interface to get to grips with what I've experienced.

Twas a shame I didn't get to say my goodbye's to everyone in the crew and band, but that's what happens when ya get yaself all excited!

Russ was the star of all this really. He kept an eye on me and kept me in check....(and real ale) along with Matt & James of course!

Bollocks with it, I'm crap at thank-you's...... if you know me, you'll know how much this has meant. If ya don't know me, then your perception of a me as a twat is not 100% true.

The lobster lives....


chux said...

knew it would put things in perspective for you bud. A chance to look from outside of the box. Your a lucky man to have had the opportunity bud. I'm glad we've got you back fella and now can I have your phone? What about your ipod, or i'll just settle for the car then!?
p.s I cant read the stuff that they wrote to you on drum skin

petercmoore said...

Nice to see the Lobster's been revived!

Glad to know you had such a blast with the Stuffies.

Still up for a beer on Weds?

meljoy said...

Hey Dave!!! Howzit going? Good to see you're back, great to hear you had a good time :-)
